Master's Connection And Shambhalla Energies
Shambhala’s energies are opening our minds and eyes, teaching us that we are not alone in the universe and that there are an infinite number of other dimensions with civilizations much more advanced than ourselves. The lost Wisdom of the Ages are being returned to us and the old souls are being reincarnated as teachers and guides to help mankind.
Shambhala is releasing the energies of will or power (energy of the first divine Consciousness) upon the land.
The energy of the will is the potency of life in all beings. In the past it has only been permitted to make contact with 'the substance of humanity' via the Hierarchy. Now, direct impact has been permitted.
Each time Shambhala directs its energies into the human consciousness more of the divine plan comes to light, bringing forth further spiritual growth. This energy holds all things within the circle of divine love. Its impact has brought about human thinking more concerned with the production of unity and oneness.
Human beings have the energy to create any reality. In Vedic tradition, the first truth is – Human-beings are endowed with the energy to make what they want in their life as reality. We are endowed with enough of Kundalini energy, the inner potential raw energy to make what you want as reality.
Our inner-space is equivalent to a Cosmic womb. How in the womb a child can grow, another one life can grow, in the same way, in our inner-space, whatever you want can grow, and it can be made into reality, it can be delivered!
Our inner-space is called “Hiranya Garbha”, “Chidakasha”, “Chidambara“. All these different words are used for our inner-space. Anything we create in our inner-space and ready to take the responsibility for it, we can manifest it!
By the power of visualization, they basically aligned the body and mind with their power of intention
Fill Your Heart with Love
In the previous part, I have talked about finding the name of the masters. Now here is another secret that you must keep in your mind. If you want to contact the Masters first let go of your fears. Because fear is the opposite of love. If your mind will be on fear then you can't contact the master. So change the vibration when you are in fear, fill your heart with love for whole humanity. Say loudly THE INFINITY CODE to the universe that,
We all are one
We are love
One love.
When you become filled with love for the whole humanity, do creative visualisation in your mind of sending love to mother earth and the whole universe. Key to go to alpha state is CREATIVE VISUALISATION. In an alpha state with the highest vibration of ONE LOVE, we can connect to the masters.