In the Prapanchsaar Tantra Adi Shankaracharya discussed various practical aspects. One of the interesting sadhana he discussed is OMKAAR SADHANA. According to him pranav can be addressed in ten different ways as Omkaar, Gunbeej, Pranav, Taar, Dhruv, Vedadi, A-adi, U-madhya, M-Par and trimatrak. Accordig to him Omkaar being the precursor of all Vedas is used before all mantras. Being the root of all the yoni it is called Sarvyoni and being the base for every thing, hence called Sarvashraya. Since it is associated with everything hence it is also called Sarvsamvaad. A is Rikveda, U is Yajurveda and M is Samveda.
I will share now SEVEN DIFFERENT ways of sadhana on OM, choose and practice as per your comfort. So get ready to note all the next article. Vivek
To proceed to omkaar meditation, first let's understand Dvadasant.
This area is said to be 12 inches above the crown and is called Dvâtasântam (dvadasant), where absorption of Yogi's consciousness into the Pure Consciousness of the Lord takes place. It is Turiya and Turiyatita state, 4th and 5th state of consciousness
Dvadashanta is a means "the end of twelve". In practice, it refers to the distance of twelve fingers from the tip of the nose and is a means of mapping the way to important subtle centers.
There are three main dvadashantas: an inner, an outer, and an upper one. The upper is the Brahmarandhra - or Sahasrara - the crown chakra at the top of the head and is called ant koti.
This term refers to – a) Externally to the place where the breath dies away, The outer dvadashanta is the outer space where our exhalation turns around to once again become the inhalation.
b) The inner refers to the space twelve fingers distance from the nose inside of us where our inhalation turns around near the heart. This is called adi koti.
c) Above the skull to the dvādaśānta which is twelve fingers breadth away from the brahmarandhra, and when no longer identified with the body but with the all-pervading Shiva or Buddha it is the Cosmic dvādaśānta, a wheel with a thousand spokes, eternally present.
Any three of these is a superb place to focus one's attention in meditation.”
Dvādaśānta is like the trishul signifying three kinds of energy – of the will, of knowledge and of activity. The initial extremity (ādi-koti) is the heart (whence the breath rises) but the final extremity (anta-koti) is the dvādaśānta (where the breath finally dies away or rests). This is the main point where there is no time present. A deep peace place, a place of SHAMBHALLA consciousness.
According to it, one should repeatedly chant OM with A,U,M,Bindu,Naad and with ones mind take it to top in Dwadahsant. One should practice it again and again till one can feel it established in Sahasrar and till mind gets completely dissolute in it.
Hence by this method one dissolves the MIND. Do this for atleast 27 mintues.