Our different brainwaves are similar to channels on the radio. Our mind is the carrier wave that carries the message from our multidimensional self that is in the broadcast studio (higher dimensions). All the stations (brainwaves) are sending their messages ALL the time and we receive whichever “channel” we dial into. When we learn to calibrate our consciousness to the different brainwaves, we set our expectations and our perceptions to the reality that vibrates at that wavelength. For example:
Our “beta reality” would be one of many decisions and actions and our perceptions would be calibrated primarily to the third dimension.
Our “alpha reality” would be one of creativity, artistic focus and relaxation, and our perceptions would include the fourth dimension along with our third dimensional reality.
Our “theta reality” would be deeply spiritual and introspective and our perceptions would primarily be fourth and fifth dimensional.
Our “delta reality” would be focused on our non-physical reality and our perceptions would be from our Light bodies—our Higher Selves. As we remember our multidimensional consciousness, we will be able to live all the above realities at once.
Even though our brains are the radio, it is best to let our Heart Chakra choose the channel. I have given a simple exercise on SHAMBHALA part~8 to balnace our heart chakra and aligned with that with the energy of one love.
There is much fear in the world and in our psyches. One of the most difficult aspects of learning to use our multidimensional perceptions is to differentiate the fear that is a warning from the fear that is paranoia. If we can learn to perceive our reality through our Heart Chakra, our fear will be greatly limited to warning fears. Then we can learn to listen for LOVE. And that is the step to higher dimensions.
Beta waves focus our perceptions and awareness towards our external third dimensional reality. These brainwaves must also organize all our conscious perceptions into the third dimensional construct of space/time. Concurrently, it is this sequential space/time processing which calibrates our perception to the third dimension.
Beta waves must also constantly differentiate between “me” and “not me” in order to maintain the third dimensional illusion of separation. Then the Beta waves must also factor in the ever-increasing list of limitations that maintain our ego within the physical reality. Beta waves belong to our ego’s sensory mechanism. To perceive beyond the limitations of the ego, we must calibrate the frequency of our consciousness away from the separation and limitations of our ego.
In Alpha wave consciousness, we limit the focus of our attention and therefore, our perception. If we simply close our eyes and attune to our emotions, body sensations and thoughts, we can sense our inner world. If we then learn to hear the inner music and see our inner pictures, we can create enough “nowness” of perception to slow our brain’s frenetic energy to the Alpha waves. The Alpha waves will then give us a glimpse of the ever-present fourth dimension. From the fourth dimension, time and space begin to blur, as in our dreams. One moment we are “here” and the next moment we are “there.” Shapes also morph so that we can experience third and fourth dimensional faces of our SELF within one vision.
In the brainwave patterns of Theta and Delta everything is experienced simultaneously in the NOW. Therefore our Delta and Theta experiences are “unconscious” to our third dimensional consciousness. In order to integrate into our “conscious” life information we receive in Theta and Delta waves, these perceptions must be formatted into the sequential function of our third dimensional brain. Otherwise, it will resonate only to the fourth dimension and the third dimensional brain will not be able to perceive or remember it. We can learn to use our focused Alpha brainwaves to transfer, or “download”, information from Theta and Delta waves. Once these “files” are downloaded into our Alpha consciousness, they can more easily be integrated into our everyday Beta consciousness.
The 70-85% of our brain that is usually unused is only accessed while our attention is focused on a meditative and creative activity. When we learn to calibrate our consciousness through balancing our emotions, calming our minds and attuning to our inner reality, we can access information from other dimensions. As we consciously expand the full capacity of our personal computers—our brains—we will be surprised by how much better they can serve us.
For example, with our multidimensional consciousness, we are able to use the Alpha Bridge to integrate the otherwise unconscious spiritual guidance of Theta waves and the superconscious higher dimensional information of Delta waves with our conscious, Beta wave thinking. It is within this balanced state of Conscious, Unconscious and Superconsscious that we can BE our SELF.