The whole universe broadly can be divided into two parts — Prana ( chakra) and Akash( kaal)
The Space is kala or nonexistence. It is Shiva. A pure consciousness.
Prana means energy the shakti — all that is manifesting itself as movement or possible movement, force, or attraction... Electricity, magnetism, all the movements in the body, all the movements in the mind — all these are various manifestations of one thing called Prana. The best form of Prana, however, is in the brain, manifesting itself as light of understanding. This light is under the guidance of thought.
There are many ways you can be active in life. You can do physical work, you can do mental work, or you can do work with your prana. If you do something with your body, it has a certain lifespan. Things you do with your mind have a slightly longer lifespan. If you do something with your prana, it has a much longer lifespan. But once you work beyond this physical dimension, that is forever. No one can destroy it.
The mind ought to control every bit of Prana that has been worked up in the body. The mind should have entire control of the body. That is not the case with all. With most of us it is the other way. The mind should be able to control every part of the body just at will. That is reason, philosophy; but when we come to matters of fact, it is not so.
The whole universe is a tremendous case of unity in variety. There is only one mass of mind. Different states of that mind have different names. They are different little whirlpools in this ocean of mind. We are universal and individual at the same time. Thus is the play going on.... In reality this unity is never broken. Matter, mind, spirit are all one.
If I am looking at the universe with my senses, I interpret it as matter and force. It is one and many at the same time. The manifold does not destroy the unity. The millions of waves do not destroy the unity of the ocean. It remains the same ocean. When you look at the universe, remember that we can reduce it to matter or to force. If we increase the velocity, the mass decreases. ... On the other hand, we can increase the mass and decrease the velocity.... We may almost come to a point where all the mass will entirely disappear. ...
All knowledge is within the mind. Who saw knowledge in the stone, or astronomy in the star? It is all in the human being.
Let us realise that we are the infinite power. Who put a limit to the power of mind? Let us realise we are all mind. Every drop has the whole of the ocean in it. That is the mind of man. The yogi and siddha reflects upon these powers and potentialities and wants to bring them all out. For himself he doesn't care what happens. It will take a great length of time to reach perfection. If it takes fifty thousand years, what of that! .
There is an individual mind and there is a universal mind. They are just a reflection of each other. It is just that the individual mind may be too muddled and it may not be catching all of it. If one is able to access life through the akashic mind, not through the individual mind, if you see the akashic mind clearly, you not only see possible situations for yourself, you see possible situations for just about anything.
Do not try to observe the cosmos, because you do not have a gallery view of it. There is no place where you can sit and observe the cosmos. In fact, you cannot really observe anything except what happens within you. Even if you take a telescope and look at a star, you can see the star only the way it is projected in your mind. In other words, you can only experience yourself – you are the only doorway through which you can experience anything. So, do not try to understand that the larger cosmos. Just get this the human system that you are because this is a minicosmos. If you perceive this right, you know that.
Whether you want to experience the food that you eat, the air that you breathe, the people around you, the world, or the cosmos you can only experience it the way you are within yourself. If you are very clear, you will see everything the way it is. It is like looking into a concave or convex mirror. They will give you different impressions of how you look. Suppose you always look into a distorted mirror, after some time, you will assume this is how you look.
Similarly, you think the world looks a particular way simply because that is how it is projected in your mind. If you evolve your mind into a more refined surface with absolutely no wavering or distortion, if it becomes a perfectly plain mirror, it will reflect everything the way it is. But since it is a reflection, it is mirror-inverted. You must have the intelligence to correct this image without distorting it.