Kalchakra Tantra And Secrets Of Shambhalla
"All beings arise in time,
Time continually consumes them all,
Time is the Lord who possesses the vajra,
Whose nature is that of day and night."
– Vimalaprabhā
As previously mentioned in VISHNU PURAN and in KALCHAKRA tantra there is mentioned about SHAMBHALLA. Kaal chakra means wheel of time. It represents outer space and inner space too. Kalchakra tantra is a technical description of shambhalla.
According to research, The Kalachakra Tantra had been transmitted from Shambhala to Tibet and to India about 840- 965 A.D. The message of the Kalachakra Tantra cannot, however, be dated. It is, in essence, timeless and the whole teaching is about how to use a knowledge of the wheel of time (chakra means "wheel" and Kala "time") to get out of time, and thus escape decay and death which are the inevitable lots of all creatures caught in time.
The way out lies through the centre, in the timeless hub which is totally empty and still, and around which everything in manifestation and time moves. It moves more and more violently as we leave the centre and are thrown to the circumference of the wheel of life, just as the wheel of the cart moves, the axle alone remaining still.
All beings and all life can be placed somewhere on the wheel. All traditions are its converging spokes. At the centre there are no more labels, no more words, only stillness and silence; but this is not emptiness as those on the rim imagine the void to be. At the centre (and only there) is the plenitude of being and joy we can call life.
Illusion Created By Time
Here remember one thing that limitation of time and space is only present in physical level, in etheric level there is no time present. Time is just an illusion. Nowadays people are more attracted towards angel numbers. But remember one thing, time changes in every degree of longitude and latitude of earth. So what we called the ascension time in India 11.11 is not the time for USA people. And the time of USA people is not the same as Russian people. That's why don't stuck to any imagination and fascinating time illusions. Instead remember you can break the barrier of time anytime by consciousness. Mass consciousness is powerful at the same moment instead of the 11.11 time bounded limit. Just take this number as a reminder of the soul journey that is beyond time. By accessing different planes of consciousness we can cross the limit of the wheel of time.
Outer and Inner Shambhalla
As with many concepts in the Kalachakra, the idea of Shambhala is said to have outer, inner, and alternative meanings. The outer meaning understands Shambhala to exist as a physical place, although only individuals with the appropriate karma can reach it and experience it as such.
The inner and alternative meanings refer to more subtle understandings of what Shambhala represents in terms of one’s own body and mind (inner), and during meditative practice (alternative).
As per my experience too, by accessing the different plane of consciousness we can connect to the masters. They are always ready to help us. In our body SHAMBHALLA area is present just behind the third eye. By regular meditation, helping unconditionally we can connect to the masters. To connect to the highers master we should start from our spirit guide, and to the dev or angel who guides our spirit guide too.