Ordinary human beings with little or no spiritual development cannot enter this realm. By taking the path of spirituality and compassion sadhak can enter this realm in their astral body. And they are taken there by siddhas or masters who are already dwelling there in Shambhalla.
Shambhalla exists on three planes, physical or adhibhautik, celestial or adhidevik and spiritual or adhyatmik. And the enlightened souls too exist on three levels – Causal, Greater Causal and Ultra Spiritual. They possess the ability to easily transcend all the three levels, and those Ultra Spiritual ones living in their causal body, have the power to appear in their physical body too.
On the adhyatmic or spiritual level, it runs the universe. On the adhidevik or celestial level, the earth and water elements are absent, enabling very powerful activity. At this level, Shambhalla impacts on many planes and the beings there.
"On the adhibhautic or the grossest level, "Shambhall's masters and siddhas provide guidance to human beings to initiate changes in the spiritual and even social fields. Suppose a seeker is stuck somewhere in his path, he could be guided in the form of an intuition, or some kriya triggered in his subtle body or his guru is inspired to do the needful."
Shambhalla is engaged in transforming world consciousness. Maybe with the collective consciousness rising, shambhalla will become more manifest and easily accessible to human beings.
One next article we will talk about secret energies in which shambhalla works. And I will give some powerful meditation to access the energies of Shambhalla.