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Shambhalla: Part 13


The greatest connection of all in this world is our union with Divine Consciousness. The information held in the energetic or etheric realm reveals our powerful connection to a higher consciousness. Whether you believe this is a single entity or what is called the Oversoul of all life, it is certainly creative, loving, and powerfully healing.

From the first thought in prehistory to every cell in the present Universe, life is expressing itself in endlessly changing connections. All of life reflects and projects Divine energy and vibration. The beauty of this is the unlimited potential of change. As we shift our consciousness to our true power, we can change our experience in this Universe, and we can even change the Universe itself.


Get out of your head and live in your heart. The amount of time and energy we spend in our heads, brooding and worrying, can shift our energy and make it much more difficult to receive the guidance that we need. As much as possible, let go of the analysis, judgment, and worry, and let yourself relax in the peace of your heart. I have shared on my previous post pls check to remain balance on heart chakra.

Dynamic vibrations of pure potential can be consciously tapped–or they can even just magically come your way. You have the power to make this a real force in your life. By lifting your own life force with the balanced intentions of self-honoring, action, and loving compassion, your resonant vibration can synchronize with the flow of Universal power, making your goals a record reality.

The greatest Akashic Cause is to live in the heart of purpose and appreciation, to be ever conscious of your soul’s intentions and ever grateful for each precious moment that is your life’s expression. The work that you do, the healing you seek, the peace and joy that you long for–engaging in all of this with courage and perseverance is a causal choice that resonates with life itself. And the Connection with the Masters and accessing the SHAMBHALLA realm is a life full of profound connections and miraculous occurrences just waiting to come your way!