Atma Namaste all the divine souls,
After 7 very successful,the most Serene and the most Empowering workshops of Deepotasva Sadhna -1,2(during Diwali days), Shiv Sadhna (during Shivratri days)and Shakti Sadhna-1,2,3,4(during Navratris And Gupt Navratris),
Shakti Sadhna (BASIC)–For the Newbies (those who are going to be the part of Shakti Sadhna for the first time)
Shakti Sadhna(ADVANCE)- For those, who have already experienced the sacredness of Shakti-Sadhna by being the part of it at least once)
During this Maagh Gupt Navratri (from 18th January to 26th jan,2018 ) Come join us to be the part of this sacred nine days journey to divinity
It will enable you.....
1-To fulfil your life with happiness, prosperity and abundance.
2- To release negativity from your home and work place
3-To attain good health and get rid of ailments
4- To liberate all obstacles in your life and helps in your spiritual ascension.
5- To expand ,shield and strengthen your Auric field.
6- And also the secret way to unlock DURGA SAPTSATI.
7 – The simple and yet most powerful SHAKTI HAVAN, that can be performed easily by yourself at home.
(Alongwith, enjoy a Beautiful Meditation & 3 Transmissions of three Swaroopas of Devi Maa)
Once Again, Dive deeper in the path of divinity of Devi Sadhna by being the part of this Advance Sadhna, that will benefit you...
1 By Learning the SECRET TECHNIQUE that is only been used by yogis to reap the maximum benefits of any form of sadhana .
2- Discover the sacred BEEJ MANTRATMAK SAPTSATI that has been kept under wraps since ages.
3- You will explore the Most Unique- NAVARN MAHAPRAYOG SADHNA, including-
i) Navarn Yantra Sadhna
ii) Secret of Navarn Mantra to attain Prosperity & Abundance
iii) Navarn Jaap for Manifestation & Wishfulfillment
iv) Navarn Nyaas for liberation from ailments & attaining good health
v) Navarn MAHAMANTRA jaap for removing all kinds of obstacles
vi) Navarn Ritual to imbibe Navarn Mantra Energy