of different clients.
Sharing with you some more relationship life lessons
1- Every relationship teaches us a new lesson and that is necessary for our soul growth. We human beings relate with everyone to expand our understanding of the universe.
2- First step towards a happy relationship is self acceptance and self love. Those who lack this quality always suffer in relationship with everyone.
3- So to improve any relationship first Learn the art of self acceptance and self love then only you are able to recognize who you are, why you are here, and what you expect here.
4- God has given us free will, and power to choose anything else that works best for us. To choose the right option in any field is a must to grow in life. Sometimes wrong choices make you suffer and you have to take birth again and again on this earth.
5- If you have not learnt lesson from the past birth mistakes, then you will repeat the same mistakes again and again in new births too, that's why we should always analyze our actions and karma to make this life better than the previous one.
6- One who fights in the battle of life is able to learn new things and grow. Those who leave the battle and commit suicide have to come again and again and suffer. They have to wait for a long period.
Infinite love
Infinite wisdom