of different clients.
In a relationship, we follow the previous past birth pattern, those who learn and understand, grow in their relationship, those who don't, they become stuck in the relationship.
1- Some people choose to remain lonely in their life, there are two type of loneliness.
A- POSITIVE LONELINESS- In which you feel you are complete in yourself, you don't need any partner and you choose your Life path by own
B- NEGATIVE LONELINESS- In which due to the wrong partner you make your own belief that there is no good relationship possible. All people betray, there is no true love. Perfect Partner is impossible. This type of belief system they repeat in more lifetime.
Person A suffers less in comparison to person B. Person B is generally stuck in all relationships. He or she doesn't understand why they are repeating the same pattern?
Person A generally avoids commitment, but if he or she commits to someone he or she will remain neutral and try to adjust in their life.
2- SOUL MATE- In repeated Past births if we see one soul as a regular partner we may call them soul mate, but in many lifetimes we have more than one soulmate, So 'Soul Group' is the right word to understand this concept better. In this birth we have lots of people of the same soul group, and our purpose is to teach and learn the life lesson to ascend.
3- TWIN FLAME- Sometimes discussed in terms of a “mirror soul” or “soul connection”, a twin flame is the other half of your soul. It is theorized that a soul can split into two after ascending to a high frequency. Thereafter, the soul lands in two different bodies. This may be called split reincarnation. This happens when the soul chooses to learn the lesson very fast. But this is not always a romantic story like Movie or Novel. Other soul may or may not recognise him, or her, also they may choose the same sex (either both male or female) in this birth too.
In my view the Indian concept of SHIV-SHAKTI is the right word to describe it. We have our own male and female aspects. Other soul just helps to recognise or discover the opposite part. So instead of searching outside, search inside.
There are More Life Lessons, which I will share next time in this series.
Infinite Love
Infinite Wisdom.