MONEY LESSONS learnt form AKASHIC INTELLIGENCE ACCESS(AIA) Sessions of different clients.
We repeat the same past habits of past birth in this lifetime too. Those who learn the lessons and move ahead, easily get success in their life.
1- If you think money will create a bondage in your life, it will goes out from your life.
( In one birth a client was a very enlightened monk, and spiritual practitioner. But due to lots of suppressed desires, master guided and told him to take birth again and live that desire fully, only after that he will come out of this sansaar and become enlightened. On Next birth due to imprints of the monk birth, he was detached to money, and he think it will create a bondage in his life, so he was very poor in that life. Same pattern he was repeating again and again in many lives)
2- It is also an art to keep money safe, if you will not keep in right place, or invest in right area, you will lose it. So investing and keep it flowing is also an art.
( In one birth one has kept all money safely in his house, thinking that it was the safest place, but one day due to a big cyclone his all money and house blew out. )
3- If you have fear in mind that someone will stole your money, or will borrow money from you and and will not return, then this will surely happen to you. The thought you create with the money, money will create the same thought with you.
4- Some people due to past birth experience knew very well how to earn and invest money in right place.
Such people, even if they are born in a poor family, still are able to create a huge amount of Money.
5- Those who always give priority to their work and principals and always think money as a by-product, this kind of people never lack money in their life.
6- Those people who always go behind money, and do complain about all the debts, losses etc, they always have to face lack of money in their life.
7- It takes many births to learn money lessons, it is just a tool if you will use in right way it will help you in right way.
8- If you will not desire for money, you will not get any money. Universe listen to you always, some people don't ask anything from universe and universe doesn't give them anything else. This is a simple, but profound law.
There is lot of more learning from diffrent past lives, I have just mentioned few from different case studies.
Infinite Love
Infinite Wisdom.