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Shambhalla Healings

Shambhalla Healings

Shambhalla Healings

opening the golden gate of the mandal

For the last four years by the blessings of SHAMBHALLA gurus, Master Vivek Sharma is giving distant healing every Tuesday and Saturday on his Facebook Group and on WhatsApp groups. More than 15000 people have been benefited by this healing and have seen big transformation in their lives.


It's a complete Tibetan Mandal Healing, wherein each & every part of  life can be healed.


Here, for Healing, one is asked to choose one of these 9 topics:

  1.  Health - Yellow

  2.  Family, Ancestors, Parents - Green 

  3.  Wealth, Money, Luck, Fate - Purple

  4.  Friends and Co-workers, Fame, Recognition, Reputation - Red

  5.  Marriage and Partnership Relationships - Pink

  6.  Children and Siblings, Creativity - White

  7.  Workmates, Colleagues, Employees, Travel - Grey

  8.  Work/Career - Black

  9.  Lightwork/Spiritual focus - Indigo


The Healing is provided with the Golden Rays of infinity code.


Also lots of free tips, guidance, remedies are shared on our various online platforms.