Registrations for courses cancelled or postponed by ‘Mahashakti Radiance’, will be adjusted/transferred to same city, another city, on another date at no cost. In the event of such cancellations, ‘Mahashakti Radiance’ is not liable for expenses incurred for travel and stay bookings.
You are not eligible for refund for any reason if the amount is not paid in advance by you for the services. Amount paid on the same day or on the spot is not eligible for refund for any reason.
All sales on ‘Mahashakti Radiance’ are final with no exchange or refund permitted. You are responsible for the purchases you make online or offline for our products and services and all charges that result from those purchases.
You are responsible for the information provided at the time of making the purchase and all charges that result from those purchases. We are not responsible for any purchase of incorrect value or paid in incorrect bank account.
However if a transaction has been done by you on our website, and money has been charged to your card or bank account, please inform us within 24 hours of completion of transaction. You shall inform us by sending an email at our email address mentioned on the ‘Contact Us’ page.
Please include the following details in the Email: full name, email id, mobile number, transaction date, purchase amount, order number, copy of payment receipt. We will investigate the matter, and if it is found that amount was indeed charged to your bank account or card by mistake, and credited to our account, then either we will issue you an email in writing in this regard, or follow up with payment gateway/ bank to reverse the transaction back to source or you will be refunded the amount within 21 working days from date of receipt of your email.
All refunds will be credited to the mode by which you made payment, that is back to source. It may take 3-21 working days for your money to show up in your bank account depending on your bank’s / credit card issuer’s policy.