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Akashic Intelligence Access(AIA)


Akashic Intelligence Access(AIA)



Akashic Intelligence Access is a powerful means of spiritual unfoldment and  conscious transformation. This unique technique helps us transit from a state of ordinary human consciousness to a state of Divine universal consciousness, in which we recognize our Oneness with the Divine at all levels. This state of consciousness allows us to perceive the impressions and vibrations of  the Akashic Records.

 While there are multiple ways to explore the akashic journeys, AIA is unique and powerful way to explore the Akash and Life between lives’ journey; as it guides you to multiple awareness, where you experience yourself as an  immortal soul, visiting the spirit World. You learn about your plan for your current incarnated life on earth, meet your Masters and ask questions from them, reunite with your soul family and possibly, with your departed loved ones.

 In AIA you explore the Five Gateways to access the Akashic intelligence and records. 



💫 To channel and connect with the higher masters and spirit guides

💫 To do Akashic Reading

💫 To discover more about the nature of reality, learn about yourself and others, and see your life from a different and more spiritual perspective.

💫 To discover a deeper meaning to your life and the challenges you face.

💫 To master the art of Channeling and Auto writing

💫 To know your Soul Purpose.

💫 To Connect with the departed soul.

💫  To Explore the Divine guidance for you and others.

💫  To Channel the divine message of Akash.

💫  To Access your past life and understand the life lesson.

💫  To receive the Akashic Attunement,  that will help you to align your chakra into higher vibration so that you can easily access the Akash and are able to connect with the SIDDHA Masters

💫 Understanding karma and its principles