According to Ayurveda, Tridosh exists in our body, Vata (air), Pitta (Fire), Kapha (water). These Three most powerful of Macrocosm are also the main structuring force in microcosm (body). These Three Dosh also represent our body on a subtle level.For vata it is Prana - Life force energy, in subtle form the ability to move thought and perception.For Pitta it is Tejas - Energy of fire or digestion, in subtle form power to digest thought and emotions.For kapha it is Ojas - underlying strength, in subtle form it represents psycho-physical being,our underlying capacity for patience and mental endurance.Mantra helps in balancing the subtle elements -To Increase Tejas:┬аMantra chanting is a powerful way. Mantra increases Tejas and Vaak (speeches), and helps in kundalini awakening.For Developing Tejas the mantra is Hrim. Another one is Hum but it should not be chanted carelessly as very powerful. Another one is Dum.If the Tejas is too high, if our spiritual practice creates too much heat, light or burning sensation we can use the calming mantra Aim.To Increase Pran:Kali mantra krim,and Aim is useful. When our Pran energy is too agitated or disturbed in its movement, a calming mantra Ram can be used. They help settle and ground the prana and restore its equilibrium.To Increase Ojas:Mantra like Om and Ram aid in the development of Ojas.The mantra Shreem of Goddess Laxmi is also useful as it possesses a watery nature. Ram has a protective and fortifying action. According to Ayurveda, Tridosh exists in our body, Vata (air), Pitta (Fire), Kapha (water). These Three most powerful of Macrocosm are also the main structuring force in microcosm (body). These Three Dosh also represent our body on a subtle level.For vata it is Prana - Life force energy, in subtle form the ability to move thought and perception.For Pitta it is Tejas - Energy of fire or digestion, in subtle form power to digest thought and emotions.For kapha it is Ojas - underlying strength, in subtle form it represents psycho-physical being,our underlying capacity for patience and mental endurance.Mantra helps in balancing the subtle elements -To Increase Tejas:┬аMantra chanting is a powerful way. Mantra increases Tejas and Vaak (speeches), and helps in kundalini awakening.For Developing Tejas the mantra is Hrim. Another one is Hum but it should not be chanted carelessly as very powerful. Another one is Dum.If the Tejas is too high, if our spiritual practice creates too much heat, light or burning sensation we can use the calming mantra Aim.To Increase Pran:Kali mantra krim,and Aim is useful. When our Pran energy is too agitated or disturbed in its movement, a calming mantra Ram can be used. They help settle and ground the prana and restore its equilibrium.To Increase Ojas:Mantra like Om and Ram aid in the development of Ojas.The mantra Shreem of Goddess Laxmi is also useful as it possesses a watery nature. Ram has a protective and fortifying action.
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