Bhaav-Kriya भाव-क्रिया(The secret to live happy life)First meaning of Bhaava-Kriya means living in the present. The second meaning of Bhaava-Kriya is to do deeds wakefully. The third meaning of Bhaava-Kriya is to remain constantly wakeful.Bhaav kriya is the simplest process that anyone can do, it means three things to follow. When you wake up in the morning and go to bed take a deep breath, say the below affirmation. Also remember this step in the whole day.To live in the present moment. Affirm - I will live in the present moment from just now.To do things wakefully, and Affirm - I will do each thing wakefully from just now.To remain constantly self-watchful.Affirm - I will watch my each and every thought and action from just now.Living In The PresentMost of our life is spent in involvement in our past deeds and in worries regarding the future. Ninety percent of our lives is covered by the awareness of the past and of worries about the future. Only ten percent of it is spent in the present. The past is no more real and the future has not yet materialized. The past is mere memory and the future a thing of imagination. The present alone is real. We spend very little time living in the present. Mostly we remain entangled in the memories of the past and in dreaming what is likely to happen in the future with the result that we lose our grip on the present. We cannot retain it. The fact, however, is that whatever happens in life happens in the present only. Do Things WakefullyWe do things half-heartedly or with half of the mind engaged elsewhere. Work done with only half of the mind in it is never done completely. In this way we lose a lot of our energy. Things done half-heartedly do not produce tangible results. We should physically as well as mentally engage ourselves in our deeds earnestly and sincerely. While doing deeds the mind and the body should cooperate with each other. Remain Constantly Self WatchThe third meaning of BHAAV-KRIYA is to remain constantly wakeful. The practitioner should remain fully conscious of the ideal he wants to achieve. Purity of heart is the precondition of meditation which aims at arousing the dormant energy in us. The practitioner should be constantly wakeful about these. Bhaav-Kriya भाव-क्रिया(The secret to live happy life)First meaning of Bhaava-Kriya means living in the present. The second meaning of Bhaava-Kriya is to do deeds wakefully. The third meaning of Bhaava-Kriya is to remain constantly wakeful.Bhaav kriya is the simplest process that anyone can do, it means three things to follow. When you wake up in the morning and go to bed take a deep breath, say the below affirmation. Also remember this step in the whole day.To live in the present moment. Affirm - I will live in the present moment from just now.To do things wakefully, and Affirm - I will do each thing wakefully from just now.To remain constantly self-watchful.Affirm - I will watch my each and every thought and action from just now.Living In The PresentMost of our life is spent in involvement in our past deeds and in worries regarding the future. Ninety percent of our lives is covered by the awareness of the past and of worries about the future. Only ten percent of it is spent in the present. The past is no more real and the future has not yet materialized. The past is mere memory and the future a thing of imagination. The present alone is real. We spend very little time living in the present. Mostly we remain entangled in the memories of the past and in dreaming what is likely to happen in the future with the result that we lose our grip on the present. We cannot retain it. The fact, however, is that whatever happens in life happens in the present only. Do Things WakefullyWe do things half-heartedly or with half of the mind engaged elsewhere. Work done with only half of the mind in it is never done completely. In this way we lose a lot of our energy. Things done half-heartedly do not produce tangible results. We should physically as well as mentally engage ourselves in our deeds earnestly and sincerely. While doing deeds the mind and the body should cooperate with each other. Remain Constantly Self WatchThe third meaning of BHAAV-KRIYA is to remain constantly wakeful. The practitioner should remain fully conscious of the ideal he wants to achieve. Purity of heart is the precondition of meditation which aims at arousing the dormant energy in us. The practitioner should be constantly wakeful about these.
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